here are my faqs and trivias about some of final fantasy
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Saturday, January 15, 2011
tifa lockheart faqs and trivias
"Bright and optimistic, Tifa always cheers up the others when they're down. But don't let her looks fool you, she can decimate almost any enemy with her fists..."
Tifa Lockhart is a female character in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII and one of its primary protagonists. She appears as a playable character in Final Fantasy VII, and is the secondary protagonist of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. In Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII- and Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- she plays a move supportive role. She is Cloud Strife's childhood friend from Nibelheim and is strongly opposed to the Shinra Electric Power Company, joining the resistance group AVALANCHE to fight them.
Though she has a strong will and bears great physical strength, Tifa also has a warm motherly streak and is very caring and loving, though she is also shy to express herself. She supports Cloud as his friend and love interest and helps him fight his archrival Sephiroth as best she can, bearing the same deep hatred for him as Cloud does due to his destruction of their hometown. Since her appearance in Final Fantasy VII, Tifa has become one of the most famous women in video games due to her strength and sex appeal.
Tifa has dark brown hair, occasionally appearing black, which falls below her waist and is tied at the tips to form a distinctive dolphin-tail split. In Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and some other appearances, her hair is shorter and reaches to her lower back - in Advent Children this was done due to longer hair being more difficult to animate. Tifa's eye colour has been officially addressed as red, but they have also been depicted as a rich brown in some appearances. Tifa's most famous traits are arguably her large breasts and long legs, though their exact sizes have varied. According to the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Ω, Tifa's Bust-Waist-Hip measures are 36-24-35.
In all her outfits across her many appearances Tifa has always worn some variation of a sleeveless shirt with a miniskirt, and also wears white teardrop earrings. In Final Fantasy VII Tifa wears a white tank top and black mini-skirt with a belt and suspenders. She dons red and black gloves that extend to her elbows with red boots, and a metal elbow guard is worn on her left elbow. She wears this same outfit in Dissidia Final Fantasy, as well as Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring and the Itadaki series. In Crisis Core and in flashbacks in Final Fantasy VII when she is a guide at Nibeleim, Tifa wears a cowgirl outfit consisting of a short leather skirt and vest, with a white shirt, cowboy boots and hat. In Crisis Core this outfit is given more detail, changing the top into a patterned, button-up corset, giving pockets and tassels to the skirt and vest and adding a belt around her hips.
In Advent Children Tifa wears a white shirt under a black zip-up vest with black shorts that fold at the waist, forming an additional utility pocket at the front and a short duster at the back extending to her heels. She also wears a pink ribbon around her left arm in remembrance of Aerith Gainsborough, and a Fenrir ring on her right hand. Her gloves are black and shorter than in Final Fantasy VII, covering only her hands. Tifa wears this attire in the Kingdom Hearts series and in Dirge of Cerberus, and it is available as an alternate outfit for her in Dissidia.
While physically stunning and deceptively strong, Tifa is an empathic and emotionally shy character. While identifying and responding to the feelings of others, Tifa does not express her internal feelings often, and when she does she often has trouble doing so.
Nomura and Nojima had a hard time creating the new Tifa and focused on developing the emotional backbone that her character is to the cast. They made sure to portray her as a modern woman who can function without her man, rather than a clingy one. When Tifa finally tells Cloud what's inside her heart, the original scene had Tifa feeling a little guilty about being blunt. Nojima decided to cut it for time. The final portrayal makes Tifa a positive role model and female lead for women around the world.
As she was in Final Fantasy VII, on the outside Tifa is a hard worker and spends her time caring for everyone but herself. On the inside, she keeps the feelings of uneasiness towards Cloud locked up. A hard worker, she has a strong motherly streak and tends to offer sanctuary and physically protects those in need. Seeking to do all that she can for those in need she spends her time caring for others at the consequence of herself, often comforting the other AVALANCHE members; finding in them similar spirits seeking to find an end to the tyranny and corruption that the Shinra Electric Power Company has brought unto the planet, although initially her motivation for joining the rebel group was to seek revenge for the destruction of her home town of Nibelheim and the deaths of her family and friends therein.
Tifa's childhood is revealed through various flashbacks in Final Fantasy VII. Tifa was born in Nibelheim and was Cloud's next-door neighbour. She was out-going, lively, and quickly gained quite a lot of friends. Although she and Cloud lived right next to each other, and were only a year apart, they were never close. She and the others did not really know Cloud through most of, or all of their childhood. Tifa's mother died when Tifa was eight years old in 1995, leaving her upset and confused. Tifa believed her mother had gone to Mt. Nibel, and that she could meet her again if only she crossed the mountain.
Tifa headed off to Mt. Nibel, and Cloud followed to keep her safe, but Tifa fell from a rickety bridge. Tifa's father found her hurt, and blamed Cloud for leading her to Mt. Nibel. Years later, in 0000, Cloud decided to become a SOLDIER, like his idol Sephiroth, in part to impress Tifa. He called Tifa out to the water tower, a local date spot, to tell her of his plans, and Tifa made Cloud promise to protect her if she was ever in trouble. He agreed, and left to join SOLDIER the following spring. Afterward, Tifa constantly worried about him, reading the newspaper every day looking for some mention of Cloud, and asking Shinra personnel if they knew him when they came to Nibelheim, but there never was anything, for Cloud only became an infantryman.
"I hate you! I hate Shinra! I hate SOLDIER! I hate you all!"
—Tifa to Zack after the Nibelheim Incident
Two years later on September 21, 0002, at the age of 15, Tifa is working as a tour guide in the Nibelheim mountains and is taking martial arts lessons from Zangan. In Before Crisis she is hired by the player's Turk to lead a Shinra expedition from up Mt. Nibel to investigate a faulty Mako Reactor. The expedition includes Sephiroth and a SOLDIER called Zack. During their stay, she drops hints to Zack that she dreams of specifically having a blond-haired SOLDIER protecting her, obviously referring to Cloud. Unbeknownst to her, Cloud happens to be one of the two Shinra guards with Zack and Sephiroth, but is hiding his identity due to his embarrassment of failing to enter SOLDIER. Without her knowing it the entire time, he happens to be the same guard who prevents her entry to the reactor, attempts to protect her from a monster attack that occurs shortly after (trying to anonymously keep his promise in the process) with little success, and whom she helps down the mountain. Afterward, Tifa leaves messages for Zack expressing her worry for the soldier who helped her. She thanks Zack for his help and asks him if they could talk about SOLDIER.
At the reactor, Sephiroth goes berserk when he learns who "his mother" is, and upon his return to town and spending several days studying, becomes fully insane. On October 1st, he puts Nibelheim to the torch and razes the town, then sets off to the reactor. Tifa's father and others follow, but Sephiroth slays them. At the reactor, Tifa finds her father's corpse with Sephiroth's Masamune. Declaring her hatred of him and Shinra, she rushes into the reactor and attacks Sephiroth, but he disarms her and cuts her down. Tifa falls down the steps and slumps to the ground, unconscious. After learning of Sephiroth's madness, Zack goes to the reactor and finds Tifa severely injured. He engages Sephiroth in combat, but is defeated. Not long after, Cloud arrives and carries Tifa aside to make sure she will be safe while he fights Sephiroth; Cloud later admits he thought Tifa's wounds were fatal. Tifa, heavily wounded, would later be taken to Midgar by Zangan for medical treatment. He continuously cast Cure on her to try and heal her, but succeeded only in keeping Tifa alive, and it is implied she has no recollection of the journey to Midgar.
The exact time frame is not given, but at some point after this, Zangan leaves Midgar, and Tifa recovers from her wounds and joins AVALANCHE, an anti-Shinra resistance group led by Barret Wallace. She also becomes the owner and proprietor of the bar and restaurant 7th Heaven, which houses AVALANCHE's base in a secret basement.
When Cloud returns to Midgar as a mercenary in 0007, he meets Tifa. Unaware that Cloud was at Nibelheim in the past, but suspecting something is off about his behavior, she recruits him to work for Barret in order to keep him close to examine him further. Later realizing Cloud knows several things he should not and has forgotten things he should know, and also initially doubting her own recollections when faced with Cloud's, Tifa decides to keep this information to herself while she tries to figure out the reason behind Cloud's strangely different character and inconsistent memories.
On December 9th, Cloud's first mission with AVALANCHE is a success, and he returns to Tifa's bar. The next day Tifa accompanies him and Barret on their next mission. The bombing of Sector 5 Reactor is successful, but Cloud is separated. When the rest of AVALANCHE returns to the hideout, they find someone spying on them, who points to the crime boss Don Corneo as a Shinra informant. Tifa comes up with a plan in order to get close to him. Don Corneo is known for calling up girls in his mansion and then choosing the one he likes best to be his "bride" for the day. Cloud catches Tifa being taken to Don's, and infiltrates Corneo's mansion with Aeris. In the ensuing confrontation, Corneo reveals Shinra is planning to drop the Sector 7 plate to crush the slums. Tifa and Cloud race to help Barret defend the pillar supporting the plate while Aeris takes Barret's daughter Marlene to safety. Most of the other AVALANCHE members are killed, and the pillar is destroyed. Tifa, Cloud and Barret escape while Shinra captures Aeris.
The remains of AVALANCHE fight their way into Shinra Headquarters to save Aeris, but are captured. That night, Sephiroth appears to attack the building, and in the chaos the group is mysteriously released from their cells. After battling various Shinra war machines and the new president of the company, Rufus Shinra, the group flees from Midgar to Kalm. At Kalm, Cloud tells the group about how Sephiroth destroyed Nibelheim. His version of events is faulty, but Tifa, confused by his story, does not confront him on these issues both to protect him and because she now doubts her own recollection.
The group travels around the world tracking Sephiroth, with Tifa supporting the party when she can. When they arrive at Nibelheim, they discover the town has been rebuilt, and the villagers (who are really Shinra employees hired to cover up the Sephiroth incident) do not remember Cloud or Tifa ever living there.
When the group reaches the Northern Crater, Sephiroth appears and begins to show Cloud the true events of Nibelheim's razing. Tifa, worried what this could do to Cloud, pleads for him to stop, but Sephiroth's manipulations take their toll. Cloud submits to Sephiroth's will and hands over the Black Materia, a powerful Materia that can summon Meteor, then apologizes to Tifa as the crater begins to shake. Tifa and Barret flee on the Shinra airshipHighwind as the crater collapses and are captured, with the rest of AVALANCHE escaping another way. Tifa and Barret are brought to Junon, where they are to be executed as scapegoats to show Shinra is still in control as Meteor looms in the sky.
Tifa is thrown into a gas chamber, while the other party members hidden in the crowd save Barret. While gas seeps into the chamber, Tifa breaks out of her restraints. Sapphire Weapon attacks Junon, blasting a hole in the gas chamber, which saves her. Running to escape the Shinra forces, Tifa climbs up onto the Sister Ray. Scarlet confronts Tifa, and the two women descend into a catfight. The Highwind appears below the cannon and Tifa jumps down to the airship and safety from Shinra. She is elected the party's temporary leader while Cloud is gone.
Cloud is later found in Mideel, suffering from a Mako overdose. Tifa stays behind to watch over him, and Cid is elected leader. Later, the friends decide to check up on Cloud, who is not showing signs of improvement. However, the Ultimate Weapon appears, and Lifestream swallows Mideel, and Tifa and Cloud fall into it as Tifa tries to push the unresponsive Cloud to safety.
Inside Cloud's Subconscious Tifa uncovers the truth about the Nibelheim incident, and restores Cloud's memories and motivations. Later, in the aftermath of Midgar's siege by Diamond Weapon and the impending chaos of Shinra's destruction, Cloud dismisses the party members, instructing them to find a reason to fight. Tifa stays behind with Cloud, as she had nowhere else to go. Depending on the player's interactions with her during the game, the following scene has two possible dialogue course, one implying a strong romantic connection, the other less of one: the more romantic scene is considered the canon option.[3]
In the game's ending in late January 0008, Tifa stays behind to help Cloud to safety as he descends into the Lifestream for a final battle with Sephiroth, and is caught by him as he returns to his own body, and the two stay near each other throughout the remainder of the ending.
Tifa is the focus of Case of Tifa in On the Way to a Smile, examining her life and relationship with Cloud after the game events. Tifa, Cloud, and Marlene become a family in the newly built city of Edge, and Tifa runs a bar while Cloud runs a delivery service. Her life with Cloud is initially happy, but Tifa becomes increasingly concerned with Cloud's secrecy and growing depression, which begins to strain the family's unity. Cloud later brings Denzel to the bar and he joins the family, but Cloud continues to grow distant from her as time goes on. As the novella ends, Cloud has left 7th Heaven with no explanation, despite briefly showing signs of happiness again. Tifa calls his cellphone several times but eventually the answering service takes over. Shortly thereafter, the events of Advent Children begin.
Tifa also has a brief mention in Hoshi wo Meguru Otome. After learning from Zack that Cloud truly is not himself, Aerith protects Tifa's mind from the Mako poisoning while she is in Cloud's subconscious, believing she can restore Cloud's true persona.
Tifa plays a large role in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, taking place two years after Final Fantasy VII in 0009. In it, she serves as Cloud's emotional support. She runs a bar called 7th Heaven, rebuilt in Edge, and cares for Marlene and Denzel alone; apparently, she also handles the business side of Cloud's delivery service.
While taking Marlene to Aerith's church to find Cloud, she discovers Cloud has Geostigma. Loz shows up, hoping to find Jenova's head under Cloud's care. Instead, he finds Tifa, who he begins to duel. Though she puts up a good fight, Tifa is eventually defeated after Loz begins to use his superhuman speed and pile bunker, Dual Hound. Later Cloud finds her unconscious and prepares to hunt down Marlene, but a bout of pain from his Geostigma stops him. Cloud first turns down Tifa's request to go to the Forgotten Capital to get Marlene and Denzel, fearing he will be unable to help them, but Tifa gives him a speech about his apathy and self-loathing, talking him into going.
The next day, when Loz and Yazoo have mind-controlled the children with Geostigma into going to the memorial in the center of Edge, Tifa attempts to save Denzel from them. Bahamut SIN knocks her out while she is protecting Denzel. Quickly waking up, she joins the battle with the remaining AVALANCHE members against Bahamut SIN, and is the last person to physically help Cloud — with Aerith providing support from the Lifestream — into the air to deliver the final blow to the dragon.
Tifa appears on the Shera with the AVALANCHE members while Cloud fights Kadaj and Sephiroth, and arrives in the church with Denzel to heal his Geostigma, and share a shy smile with Cloud as he relaxes with the children in the pool of Lifestream purified water.
Tifa only appears briefly during the game which takes place one year later in 0010. The first is during the ground assault on Midgar, leading the tanks with Barret and Cloud. The second is when the gang is cheering on Vincent towards the end when he is "saving the world", and the third is at the end, when Yuffie enters 7th Heaven to inquire about Vincent. She is still running the bar, and lets Shelke live with them. Tifa can also be heard during a phone call to Vincent during his descent into Midgar's underground, but in audio only.
Tifa’s stats were designed around the Monk character class from previous Final Fantasy games, thus she has high physical stats and equips Claw and Glove type weapons.
Only a handful of Tifa's gloves have higher-than-average strength, but the two that do are exceptional. One, the God's Hand, has 255% Accuracy, meaning Tifa will never miss, and the other is her strongest weapon, the Premium Heart, which grows stronger as Tifa's Limit Break gauge fills. Both weapons also boost her magic power. Also notable are the Master Fist, which does not have a particularly powerful strength rating, but whose damage output doubles for each status effect Tifa is under while it is equipped, and even outclasses several final weapons if Tifa has numerous ailments afflicting her, and the Powersoul, which doubles in power if Tifa is near death, and quadruples in power when she is under Death Sentence.
Tifa's Limit Breaks are unlike most Final Fantasy VII characters'. Instead of selecting a move from a list, Tifa's Limit Breaks consist of consecutively hitting the opponent with each move adding on to the previous. Each move deals physical damage to a random opponent. The Limits are selected through a selection process similar to the Slot skill from Final Fantasy VI. Each time the reel hits "Yeah!" damage is doubled, but each time it hits "Miss", the attack does not connect. Stopping the reel on "Hit" allows the attack to connect, but does not increase its power. The player stops the reel, and later skills have "Yeah!" harder to hit and surrounded by "Miss".
Designed by Tetsuya Nomura, the concept of Tifa was first created when the idea was suggested that, at some point within the game, a character would be permanently killed off. When it was decided to have Aeris die, attention went into developing her character and her relationships with the other characters, this resulted in the idea to introduce Tifa as a sort of rival for Cloud's affections. The notion of having two concurrent heroines and the protagonist torn between them was something Yoshinori Kitase liked, describing it as something new not present in past Final Fantasy games. The original depiction of Cloud and Tifa's "moment" under the Highwind before their final battle against Sephiroth were originally far more suggestive: following a fade-out scene, Cloud was to walk out of the airship’s Chocobo stable followed shortly by Tifa who would check around as she left, implying that the two had spent the night together. This idea was rejected for being too "extreme", and the less risque "conversation scene" replaced it.
Initially Nomura had difficulty deciding whether to give Tifa's design a mini-skirt or long pants. Seeking input, he passed his sketches around Square's offices, and the majority of the staff members approved of the mini-skirt design. The attire was explained in respect to the game as giving her freedom of movement due to her affinity to weaponless fighting, and the skirt, noted as "quite short [...] giving a considerable degree of exposure", was kept as a staple for her alternate costumes. The developers additionally noted that due to her figure, her otherwise plain garments took on a pleasant appearance. Initially she was planned to be a supportive member of AVALANCHE rather than a field operative, and would have played a role in the organization's formation.
In a plot point cut from the final product, Tifa was also intended to have been attacked by Cloud in the past and receive a scar on her back from the assault. This plot point was later changed to her childhood accident for which Cloud was blamed but not responsible for. At another point Tifa's childhood diary was to be found, where she wrote about other children who were her friends and Cloud's tendency to get into fights. Tifa was also going to meet her master Zangan, who would directly teach her the Final Heaven Limit break - this was replaced with her finding a hidden letter from Zangan containing the manual for the attack. Tifa was also planned to tell Aeris the true events behind the Nibelheim Incident, revealing to her Cloud's faulty memories and Zack Fair's role in the town's destruction.
When developing Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Takeshi Nozue had difficulty developing a framework for Tifa's body that was "balanced, yet showed off her “feminine qualities”". Her outfit was also redesigned at this point, with emphasis on expressing her physical qualities while being pleasing to the eye. Her hairstyle was also changed to end at the middle of her back, instead of extending down to her thighs like in her video game appearance. This was done due to the difficulty of animating her original length of hair, as well as problems that arose due to its black colour and lighting.
With Aerith's Advent Children voice actress already decided, Nomura requested that Ayumi Ito take on the role of Tifa for the film; feeling her "husky voice" would offer a good contrast to Maaya Sakamoto (who played Aerith). Nomura additionally noted that after completing the Tifa's updated design they debated on her finalized details, but once Ito had been cast for the role they chose to blend many traits from the voice actress into the character's completed appearance.
Script writer Kazushige Nojima described Tifa's role in Advent Children as "very much like any woman who's been left behind by a man," stating that while they didn't want her to appear clingy, they also wanted to portray her hurt emotionally. In the film's initial draft, she was intended to have a more central role in the then-short film, which only featured herself, Cloud, and several children, with the story revolving around a note being delivered to him.
Tifa's eponymous theme "Tifa's Theme" (ティファのテーマ Tifa no Tēma) plays during Tifa's flashback of Cloud's promise. Additionally, "Tifa's Theme" originally plays as the background music for the 7th Heaven bar before the destruction of the Sector 5 Reactor, after which it switches to "Barret's Theme".
Tifa's Theme has also been remixed for Before Crisis as “Brief Reunion”, and for the Case of Denzel as “Connected Heart”.
Tifa will appear as one of the new characters in Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy, debuting during the game's Tokyo Game Show exhibition.[4] She is presented during a dialogue with Sephiroth, and takes part in the heavenly war as a Warrior of Cosmos.
Not much is known about her role in the games storyline, but it appears that she doesn't know Sephiroth or Cloud.
Tifa is an initial playable character in Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring. Her moveset includes Somersault, Beat Rush, and chargeable energy blasts. Her alternate costume in the game is based on her original Amano artwork and a third costume can be unlocked, depicting her in her cowgirl outfit from the Nibelheim flashbacks. Her title in Story mode is "Summoner", and she can only be fought after successfully defeating "Guardian" Cloud.
For more information, see Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Tifa
Tifa appears in Kingdom Hearts II, looking around Hollow Bastion for Cloud and helping Leon defend Hollow Bastion when the world is invaded. Tifa wishes to help Cloud fight Sephiroth, and has spent much of the game searching for him. She eventually interrupts a battle between the two and gives Cloud the power of light to combat Sephiroth's darkness. Cloud shines brightly and he and Sephiroth depart to places unknown to continue their battle. Tifa thanks Sora for his help in locating Cloud and gives him the Fenrir keychain. She later appears as a boss in several cups in the Underworld Coliseum, fighting with the other Final Fantasy characters. She may or may not be a human resident of Hollow Bastion, but rather a physical embodiment of Cloud’s light to oppose Sephiroth, who symbolizes his darkness. The ambiguity of her nature was deliberately inserted by Nomura in order to generate discussion among players.
Tifa makes an appearance in Monty Oum's Dead Fantasy series as a combatant against the girls from the Dead or Alive videogame series. Her main opponent is Hitomi, as they are both martial artists. In the series, Tifa combines her martial arts with her Materia magic. As of the fifth episode, Tifa lost most, if not all, her Materia to Hitomi, was severely wounded by Hayate and his men, and is now held captive by Helena Douglas and DOATEC.
Tifa also appears in the two fan-made music videos: Dead Fantasy - Obsessed and Dead Fantasy - Gee. In both videos, she's in her cowgirl outfit from Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-.
Tifa's name is pronounced with a long "e" (Tee-fa) rather than a short "i" (Tiff-a). It is often assumed that "Tifa" is a shortened version of the name Tiffany, meaning "manifestation of God," but there are no sources that can confirm this.
Tifa's last name, Lockhart, might be a reference to Tifa's reserved nature and hiding away her feelings for Cloud, "locking" them within her heart, or to her role in unlocking Cloud's psyche later in the game.
While Yuffie Kisaragi is generally polite with Cloud, her dialogue changes if either Tifa or Cid are the party leaders when recruiting her. She calls Tifa "”Boobs”" and Cid a "”Cranky-legged old man”".
Tifa has been named the pinup girl of the "cyber generation" by the New York Times, being compared to the likes of Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider franchise as an example of a strong, independent and attractive female character in video games. As such, whenever there is a poll involving female video game characters, Tifa is usually featured in the list. In 2004, Play featured Tifa in the first issue of their Girls of Gaming annual periodical, describing her as "the most adored female in recent Final Fantasy history".
In Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-, Zack can speak to a man building a bar, who asks Zack what to name it. When Zack suggests "7th Heaven", the man loves the name and suggests getting "a young girl with a big bosom and long legs" to work the bar, a call forward to Tifa working at the bar years later.
The entire fight sequence between Tifa and Loz in Advent Children had been duplicated for Korean pop singer Ivy MV's "Temptation of Sonata" music video, albeit with minor changes, such as small parts of the fighting choreography being altered due to the absence of Loz's Dual Hound, and Tifa's victory by snapping Loz's neck at the end. The music video was later banned from Korean television and singer Ivy was sued by Square Enix for copyright infringement.
In Dissidia Final Fantasy, one of the strongest Grappling weapons shares its name with Tifa's strongest weapon from Final Fantasy VII, the Premium Heart.
Tifa’s "Dilly dally, shilly shally" line from Advent Children was referenced in the video game The World Ends With You, which was also made by Square Enix.
Tifa was originally planned to appear in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, but due to time constraints the staff members chose to incorporate Sephiroth instead.
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