- "There was one SOLDIER named Sephiroth, who was better than the rest. But when he found out about the terrible experiments that made him he began to hate Shinra. And then, over time, he began to hate everything."
- —Marlene Wallace
Sephiroth is arguably the most popular Final Fantasy series villain - his appearance, name, and musical theme are all highly praised among fans and he has appeared in many spin-off titles. He is also consistently voted as one of the top video game villains in polls and lists on video game websites, such as GameFAQs and IGN.
In Japan, Sephiroth's voice was provided by seiyū Shinichiro Miki in Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring and Toshiyuki Morikawa in all subsequent appearances including the Kingdom Hearts series. In the Kingdom Hearts English version, his voice was provided by Lance Bass of *NSYNC fame, a decision that was received negatively by some fans. He is voiced by George Newbern in all subsequent appearances, who has been considerably better received.
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In the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth's uniform remains the same as in Final Fantasy VII, but his coat has several buckles instead of just one, and the traditional SOLDIER symbol in his belt is replaced by the new one, redesigned for the Compilation. In Advent Children, Sephiroth's hair was animated by hand to make sure it looked as real as possible, and he was given an otherworldly appearance with, as co-director Takeshi Nozue stated, "an attractive nose and thin lips. It's a face you'd never see in real life". In the Kingdom Hearts series, Sephiroth retains his core design of silver hair and a black coat, but his clothing is given red linings, his coat has changed shape, and he bears a black wing over his right shoulder, which has become another of Sephiroth's trademark character traits. He bears two additional wings underneath his coat in Kingdom Hearts II. In Dissidia, Sephiroth's design is similar to his Final Fantasy VII design, but his pauldrons are changed to resemble Amano's artwork and his coat is closed by a belt as in Nomura's design.
Sephiroth's personality is one of cold ruthlessness. Prior to his madness, he was not particularly anti-social, as he has friends in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- and willingly tells Zack and Tifa about Mako and Materia on Mt. Nibel. All the same, his cold exterior and professional attitude turns people away. Sephiroth is very intelligent, and is respectful to those he deems worthy - he considered Professor Gast a great scientist, but looked down on Professor Hojo and described him as "a walking mass of complexes". In Crisis Core Sephiroth maintains an outwardly professional demeanor, but is loyal and friendly to a select few, and has a dry sense of humor. Sephiroth is confident to the point of arrogance, but as the strongest SOLDIER alive, it could easily be argued he has the right to be. Well-spoken and somewhat graceful, Sephiroth is universally calm, collected, and in control. He can be frustrated and caught off his guard, but this rarely happens. Following his fall into insanity, Sephiroth retains most of the above personality traits, but becomes murderous and vengeful. He also develops something of a messiah complex, proclaiming several times he is "the chosen one", destined to lead the Planet and become a god. In Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Kefka calls him "Another maniac with a god complex. Like THAT'S anything special!". His intelligence has increased vastly following his time in the Lifestream where he absorbed the knowledge of the Ancients. At one point, Sephiroth even says he is greater than the Ancients. He has become highly cruel and delights in mentally torturing Cloud, and in Advent Children, in one of his iconic lines, asks Cloud what he cherishes so he may simply take it from him. Sephiroth is also fiercely devoted to Jenova and her cause, even though her body serves as little more than his avatar.
Interestingly, in Dissidia, there was at least one hint that he may have some sadness despite his nature, as Cecil Harvey tells Sephiroth before fighting him that "there is sorrow in [Sephiroth's] wintery eyes."
In the Japanese releases, Sephiroth uses the masculine pronoun "ore" prior to his insanity, a male pronounce that is commonly used. Following his "death" at Nibelheim he begins to use "watashi" instead, a more formal pronoun with no attached gender. This post-madness mannerism is also used in his spin-off appearances such as Dissidia.
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)
Birth and Early Life
- "I knew ever since I was a child, I was not like the others. I knew mine was a special existence. But not this kind."
- —Sephiroth in Crisis Core
Crisis Core/Before Crisis
- "I am the chosen one. I have been chosen to rule this planet."
- —Sephiroth before his second battle with Zack in the Nibelheim reactor
After his birth, Shinra raised Sephiroth to be a super soldier, the very first SOLDIER. They told him nothing of his mother except that her name was "Jenova," and that she died during childbirth. It was implied that he knew his father was the mad scientist Professor Hojo, although this seemed to earn the Professor no respect in Sephiroth's eyes. He has referred to his father as "inexperienced" and "a walking mass of complexes" — however, he respected Professor Gast until he left Shinra under Ifalna's guidance. Sephiroth proved to be incredibly strong, gaining worldwide fame for his exploits such as his role in Shinra's victory against Wutai in 0000.
President Shinra comes to rely on Sephiroth during the events of Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-, calling Sephiroth in whenever the situation personally threatens the President's life, like during the first AVALANCHE attack on Junon on February 30, 0001. Sephiroth engages the AVALANCHE leader, Elfé, but she blocks his strikes, impressing him. While the two are fighting, Elfé questions why Sephiroth is fighting. She asks whether he ever wants to "fight for a reason", which seems to have a profound effect on him. The results of Sephiroth choosing to fight for a reason would one day threaten the entire Planet's existence. He is later sent in on June 18, 0002, to "rescue" Professor Hojo who had almost defected with the AVALANCHE forces attacking the Shinra Building.
In SOLDIER, Sephiroth had two friends, Angeal Hewley and Genesis Rhapsodos. Though the three were rival SOLDIERs First Class, they saw each other as close friends. When Genesis and Sephiroth duel in the virtual reality Junon, Sephiroth seems to be the strongest, but the fight ends inconclusively. Angeal stops the fight before either hurt each other too badly. The small wound Genesis takes does not heal. Sephiroth offers his blood as a transfusion, but is told his blood is not compatible. Genesis eventually defects from Shinra, making Sephiroth uneasy about his missions against him. Just before his final mission, Sephiroth hints he may leave Shinra altogether.
Crisis Core shows an expanded version of events at the Nibelheim Incident, and Genesis plays a large part in Sephiroth's madness. During this time, Genesis tells Sephiroth he was born from the Jenova Project, its goal to produce a "monster". Going in more depth about Jenova and the project Genesis states more facts, but Sephiroth does not understand all of what Genesis tries to tell him.
Deeply disturbed by the fact that the creature had the same name as his "mother" and by the idea that he might have been created in an experiment similar to the one that created the monsters in the pods, Sephiroth made his way to the mansion that had been occupied by Shinra researchers and began reading the research notes in the basement library. As a result of what he learned, Sephiroth became enraged and psychotic. Based on the Shinra reports, he came to believe that Jenova was a Cetra, and therefore he as Jenova's "son" was the last Cetra survivor. He also believed that the human race had betrayed the Cetra 2,000 years in the past, leaving them alone to defend the Planet from a calamity it had faced (eventually revealed to have been Jenova itself), and resolved to take vengeance for his "ancestors".
On October 1st, Sephiroth proceeded to destroy Nibelheim, setting the town on fire and killing many of the townspeople, before returning to the reactor to claim Jenova's remains. He is pursued by Tifa's father, Tifa, Zack, and Cloud. At the reactor, Tifa takes up Sephiroth's Masamune from her father's corpse and attacks him, but he disarms her and cuts her down. Shortly after entering Jenova's chamber, Zack arrives and attacks him. In Final Fantasy VII he is easily defeated, but Crisis Core alters this into a full battle where Zack fights Sephiroth in a fair fight. Either way, Zack is defeated and tossed out of the chamber. Cloud enters the reactor and picks up Zack's Buster Sword, rushing after Sephiroth. Caught off-guard, Sephiroth is impaled from behind through the abdomen and collapses.
In actuality Sephiroth fell into the Lifestream, his willpower too great to allow himself to be consumed. Over the next several years Sephiroth traveled the Lifestream, increasing in power and knowledge, and eventually the fragments of his body congregated at the Northern Crater, joining to recreate Sephiroth's physical form in a cocoon of mako. His powers and desires enhanced, Sephiroth's goal now was to merge with the Lifestream and seize control of it to become a god. Though his physical body was encased in mako, Sephiroth was now able to control Jenova's cells as an extension of his body and thus acts on his plans through her. Hojo meanwhile injected Zack, Cloud and the survivors of Nibelheim (save for Tifa who was rescued by Zangan before Shinra found her) with Sephiroth's cells, turning them into Sephiroth Clones. Hojo believed that the Jenova cells inside Sephiroth would call for a "reunion" of those who shared her cells, and wished to see his theory put to the test.
Final Fantasy VII
Approximately five years after his supposed death, in December 0007, Sephiroth enacts his plan and puts out the call for the reunion to call the Sephiroth Clones to come to the Northern crater. Jenova's remains, which had been moved to Shinra Headquarters in Midgar, shapeshifted into Sephiroth's form and broke out of containment. Jenova/Sephiroth released Cloud and the members of AVALANCHE, who were being held prisoner, and killed President Shinra after declaring to the President that his company should never acquire the Promised Land. Cloud, seeing Sephiroth's Masamune left at the scene of President Shinra's death, suspects he may be alive and sets out with AVALANCHE to find him and settle the score for what happened to Nibelheim. Cloud succeeds in acquiring the Black Materia, but Sephiroth exerts his influence over Jenova's cells and takes control of Cloud, who hands the Materia over to Jenova. At this time, Aeris Gainsborough, the true last survivor of the Cetra, tries to use the White Materia to summon Holy, the only power able to counter Meteor. During her attempt to call forth the Ultimate White Magic, Sephiroth (or rather, Jenova transformed into his image) impales her with his sword, killing her. Though Aeris had successfully called Holy, Sephiroth held it back within the Planet with his will as augmented by Jenova's power. Cloud and his allies continued tracking Sephiroth to the Northern Crater.
At the crater, Cloud kills Jenova in Sephiroth's form and reclaims the Black Materia, this time giving it to a party member to keep it safe. Cloud and Tifa continue deeper into the crater and find an illusion of Nibelheim's destruction, showing a man with black hair in Cloud's place. Sephiroth tells Cloud he was never at Nibelheim and is not even real, being nothing more than a cluster of Jenova cells who had taken on the memories of a boy named "Cloud." Sephiroth's manipulations and lies take their toll, and shatter Cloud's fragile mind. Meanwhile, Sephiroth projects an illusion to the party members left behind of Tifa asking them to come to Cloud's and her aid, and the member entrusted with the Black Materia follows them. Cloud takes back the Black Materia and Sephiroth reveals his true body. Cloud delivers the Black Materia to Sephiroth, who uses it to summon the Meteor. The crater collapses, and Cloud's allies are forced to flee with Rufus Shinra. The Planet unleashes the Weapons from their sleep and Sephiroth erects an energy barrier over the crater to keep them from detecting him.
With the Weapons wreaking havoc and keeping his enemies from rallying against him, Sephiroth began shapeshifting his body into a form befitting a god, awaiting Meteor's arrival. Cloud eventually recovered and the party received unlikely assistance from Shinra. In later January 0008, they fired the Mako cannon known as the Sister Ray at the Northern Crater, piercing Sephiroth's barrier and allowing Cloud and his allies to enter the crater and find Sephiroth.
Descending into the crater, they eventually find Sephiroth at the Planet's core, blocking Holy. After they dispatch Sephiroth's larva-like Bizarro∙Sephiroth form, Sephiroth emerges from it, his true body transformed into Safer∙Sephiroth, a god-like being with seven wings and great power. Cloud and his allies destroy Sephiroth, but his mind endures as Cloud and his allies begin to escape the crater. Pulling Cloud into the Lifestream for a final battle, Sephiroth assaults Cloud mentally and attempts to take control of his mind again, but Cloud's mental defenses have grown, and he defeats Sephiroth. Battered and bloody, Sephiroth dissolves into the Lifestream, seemingly destroyed for good.
Sephiroth is mentioned frequently in Hoshi wo Meguru Otome, as Aerith observes the effects Sephiroth's actions are having on the Lifestream and the Planet. Sephiroth is also the focus of the On the Way to a Smile novella "Case of the Lifestream - Black". Here, Sephiroth uses the Lifestream's emergence to fight Meteor to infect the Planet with Geostigma, dispersing his memories among the Lifestream to spread the disease. He eventually uses memories from the Lifestream of others to craft his avatars in his own image and sends them to find Jenova so he can reclaim a true body. As Sephiroth is faced with dissolution into the Lifestream, he manages to avoid this by focusing on his hatred of Cloud, which allows him to maintain a core sense of being and remain separate from the other spirits.
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
- "Good to see you, Cloud."
- —Sephiroth
Sephiroth and Cloud fight in the ruins of Midgar, and Sephiroth eventually gains the upper hand. Taunting Cloud before dealing the final blow, Cloud is reinvigorated by memories of his friends and family and destroys Sephiroth with Omnislash Version 5/6, utilizing his Fusion Swords to assault him from all directions. Weakened, Sephiroth's final words are "I will...never be a memory." His black wing folds around him and fades away in a flurry of dark feathers, leaving a weakened Kadaj to die and fade into the Lifesteam as Aerith calls healing rain to cure the Planet of Geostigma. Chronologically Advent Children is Sephiroth's final appearance in the Final Fantasy VII timeline, and his current status is unknown, though it is likely given his past tenacity he continues to exist within the Lifestream.
According the Ultimania Omega, Sephiroth's relationship with Aerith was changed numerous times during the course of production. At some phases they were to be lovers, in others siblings before their relationship was finalized in the final script. In a deleted plot point, Sephiroth was to have created the "Cloud" the player controls during the game out of his emotions and will when he was defeated during the Nibelheim Incident. The being was but a phantom of the real Cloud, and Sephiroth would be able to take complete control over it and talk through its mouth. Sephiroth's will was also to be used to create an army of monsters that would be born out of crystallized Mako. In another deleted point, when Sephiroth's true body is first seen in the Northern Crater, it would have the contours of a female.
According to Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega[4], in the early story drafts Sephiroth was planned as a man whose "Jenova" element was artificially awoken using the power of Mako energy. His base personality was to be extremely brutal and cruel, with a strong interest in destruction and slaughter. He was also to possess a powerful will and ego, calm judgment, and a sharp mind. In the original story drafts Sephiroth would succumb to Mako addiction and suffer withdrawal symptoms and while a normal person would have been crippled, Sephiroth was a unique exception: only his madness would be amplified while he would manage to retain his composure.
In The Reunion Files for Advent Children, Nojima has stated that Sephiroth's only true goal in the film is taking revenge on Cloud, who he saw as a Shinra Army rookie. His revival had been decided to occur early on in the project, but not the exact reasons or means of how he would be revived, and these details were decided at later dates. Sephiroth's dialogue was also made to sound profound, as "he thinks on a level higher than humans," and his hair and eyes were exceptionally difficult to animate. Various minor details were made to emphasize Sephiroth's other-worldly character - he was never made to blink, almost never grunted or breathed, and even in the heat of battle kept his voice calm and controlled. Nomura says that when creating Sephiroth, his appearance was set but he had trouble deciding what kind of voice he should have - once Toshiyuki Morikawa auditioned, Nomura knew he was exactly what he wanted. Morikawa noted that, with Sephiroth's on-screen presence, he knew his final lines had to be done properly, and with input from the director, gave Sephiroth's iconic final words a sense that "he's not done yet."
- "Sephiroth's strength is unreal. He is far stronger in reality than any story you might have heard about him."
- —Cloud Strife to his party
Sephiroth is a master swordsman and has superhuman strength, agility and reflexes. He is able to produce beams of energy by swinging his sword and can effortlessly cut through solid metal and concrete. A handful of characters, including Zack Fair, Genesis Rhapsodos, and Elfé, have been able to battle Sephiroth competently, but it is implied he does not exercise his full power against opponents and in all three cases he eventually overpowers them. Only Cloud has shown the consistent ability to best Sephiroth in battle. Sephiroth has great magical abilities, and is equipped with a full set of Mastered Materia in Final Fantasy VII. In Crisis Core he is able the teleport, the only Final Fantasy game where he can do this, but he also has this ability in the Kingdom Hearts series.
Following his immersion in the Lifestream Sephiroth gains the ability use magic without the need for Materia, and can manifest the Masamune from the Lifestream by willing it to appear. Having taken over Jenova he is able to shapeshift her cells into his visage and other forms. This allows Sephiroth to remain "alive" in a sense even when dead by morphing Jenova's cells into a new body for himself, but his ability to do this seems limited. Sephiroth also has a measure of psychic abilities, able to read minds, project illusions, and levitate objects and people. As an extension of his control over Jenova, Sephiroth is able to control the "negative Lifestream" composed of those killed by Geostigma, as shown in Advent Children. In Advent Children Sephiroth has the ability to fly, and in his EX Mode in Dissidia has the ability to glide using his wing.
Sephiroth's trademark attack is Supernova, his ultimate attack when faced as Safer∙Sephiroth. Crisis Core and Dissidia present Supernova as his Limit Break. Sephiroth's other trademark attacks are Heartless Angel, a move that drains the opponent's HP to a single point, Octaslash, a sequence of eight sword attacks, and Shadow Flare, a barrage of dark energy orbs. In Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia, he is also able to use Meteor.
As a Party Member
As a Boss
- See also: Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII Boss), Sephiroth (Crisis Core), Bizarro∙Sephiroth, and Safer∙Sephiroth.
Sephiroth is named for the סְפִירוֹת Səphīrōth (medieval Hebrew form of Sephirot). Sephiroth is a plural noun in Hebrew; the singular is Sephirah (also spelled Sefira). The Sephiroth are described in the Kabbalah as the manifestations of God that allow Him to manifest in the physical and metaphysical universes, referring to Sephiroth's simultaneous existence in the Lifestream and the Planet, and his manifestations through Jenova. Sephiroth also means "counting" (of numbers), which can be attributed to the Sephiroth Clones. Sephiroth's penultimate form, Bizarro∙Sephiroth, is a mistranslation, and "Rebirth Sephiroth" would be much more apt. - "Above Him stood the Seraphim; each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew".
Sephiroth is also known as the "One-Winged Angel," referring to Final Fantasy VII's final boss theme. The title is significant due to Sephiroth's "fallen angel" connotation, a title given to those who have fallen from grace. To some, the name "One-Winged Angel" seems strange, as Safer∙Sephiroth has a total of seven wings. However, the original Japanese name is "片翼の天使 (Katayoku no Tenshi)," which means "an angel with a wing on one side" rather than an angel with only one wing. And, as noted above, Sephiroth appears in many titles after Final Fantasy VII with a single black wing, drawing back to his title as the One-Winged Angel.
Musical Themes
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''Those Chosen by the Planet'' | |
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One-Winged Angel
- Main article: One-Winged Angel
Other Appearances
Final Fantasy V
A 2D sprite of Sephiroth, modeled after Final Fantasy V style sprites, occasionally appears in the loading section of the Anthology port of Final Fantasy V. Dissidia Final Fantasy
- Main article: Sephiroth/Dissidia
Sephiroth stands apart from the other villains, acting to manipulate and trick Cloud on his own. Though the other villains do not understand why, Sephiroth had killed himself in a previous cycle of the war. As a result, during the game Sephiroth begins to remember things the others have forgotten, eventually believing he has found the secret to ultimate power and knowledge beyond their scope. Alongside his manipulations of Cloud, Sephiroth aspires to attain this power for himself and survive the destruction of Cosmos and Chaos to become a god. He is ultimately defeated by Cloud, and fades away, although not before telling Cloud that he will return as long as Cloud "remains the way he is".
His alternate form is his shirtless appearance from the end of Final Fantasy VII.
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
Sephiroth reappears as a Warrior of Chaos in the prequel to Dissidia Final Fantasy alongside all the other characters from the original. His new alternate appearance consists of his original apparance from Final Fantasy VII. Non-Final Fantasy Appearances
Kingdom Hearts series
- For more information, see Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Sephiroth
In the original Kingdom Hearts, Sephiroth appears to challenge Sora in the Colosseum, and after their fight Cloud appears and the two do battle. In Kingdom Hearts II, Sephiroth appears during the siege on Hollow Bastion, and later can be found on a cliff face after killing the MCP. Sephiroth is intrigued by Sora's keyblade, and challenges him to test its powers. Afterwards, he simply shrugs off the defeat, and implies that Cloud is the only one who stands any chance at defeating Sephiroth. He orders Sora to tell Cloud where to find him, leading to a second confrontation between the two. Both of their battles end with the two of them vanishing in flashes of light to places unknown. After defeating Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix, the player is given the One-Winged Angel keyblade, modeled after the Masamune.
In the original Kingdom Hearts, Sephiroth is voiced by Lance Bass, a former member of the 1990s pop music boy band 'N Sync. As he was not added until the Western release, he has no Japanese voice actor for the first game: the Final Mix release of the game uses the English voices, and so Lance Bass's voice is used. In Kingdom Hearts II, Sephiroth's Japanese voice is provided by Toshiyuki Morikawa, while George Newbern (who previously voiced the comic book character Superman in various animated series) voices him in the English release, both of which have voiced Sephiroth in most of his appearances since then.
Itadaki Street series
Sephiroth appeared as a playable character in Itadaki Street Special along with Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa from Final Fantasy VII. He also appeared as a character in Itadaki Street Portable. Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring
Sephiroth appears together with some other Final Fantasy VII characters. Sephiroth is controllable both in his normal appearance and the shirtless version that Cloud confronts alone at the end of Final Fantasy VII. He fights mostly with his fists, but can also do sword-draw attacks and various combos with the Masamune, as well as use a variation of Meteorain. LittleBigPlanet
Many models and action figures of Sephiroth have been released. Play Arts has released figures of Sephiroth as he normally appears as well as Safer∙Sephiroth and Sephiroth's appearance in Kingdom Hearts. Among these figures are Sephiroth himself, Sephiroth standing atop Meteor, and a figure featuring Sephiroth in the Shinra Building ruins based on his battle with Cloud in Advent Children - a partner figure to this one features Cloud in a similar environment. Other Sephiroth-related items including pendants and rings with the theme of his single wing and/or the Black Materia have also been produced. Gallery
- When Cloud is transported to Ivalice by a device called the Celestial Globe in Final Fantasy Tactics, he comes out confused and disoriented. The first thing he says is "The heat! Inside my skull... No, stop... Sephiroth---no!" The Final Fantasy VII boss does not actually appear in the game, though a black-caped swordsman is mentioned in one of the Errands. As well, one of the game's enemies, Marquis Elmdore, bears a resemblance to him, having long silver hair and wielding the Masamune in the last battle in his human form.
- Sephiroth is the only SOLDIER 1st Class who has green eyes instead of blue.
- Sephiroth has been a common face in the Gamefaqs user popularity contests. He was the runner-up in the Character Battle II, losing to his nemesis Cloud. He was voted the most popular villain in the Got Villains? contest, beating Ganondorf from the Legend of Zelda series.
- Sephiroth has a small cameo in the popular fan parody "Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series". When the other characters show off their favorite cards, Bakura (who is secretly a villain) holds up a card showing Sephiroth from Advent Children, before exclaiming "oops, wrong one", and holding up "Change Of Heart", which depicts an angel.
- Sephiroth's made an appearance in the LeetStreet Boys music video for "Yuri the Only One" dancing to the lyrics of "Sephy's Mom has got it going on", not only a parody of the song "Stacey's Mom" but also referencing Jenova and his belief that she is his mother.
- Sephiroth's strongest weapon in Dissidia is called One-Winged Angel, after his musical theme.
- In Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, the player receives a keyblade called One Winged Angel after defeating Sephiroth. Its design is based on his Masamune.
- In the TV show Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island, Butchy parodies Sephiroth through the episode "Sir Nutalot". He appears with Sephiroth's long silver hair and usual attire.
- In the TV show "Robot Chicken", the main characters of Final Fantasy VII are parodied as workers in a fast food restaurant. Sephiroth is portrayed as a mean restaurant manager. A parody of "One Winged Angel" is heard in the background; however, the word "Sephiroth" in the lyrics are replaced by the word "Hamburger". The skit also parodies the final scripted battle between Cloud and Sephiroth at the end of Final Fantasy VII.
- During the scene in which he kills Aeris, when Sephiroth is descending from the ceiling, his hands are bare. However, in the rest of the scene, he has gloves on.
- Despite stating that Professor Hojo is a walking mass of complexes, he himself (at least after his downfall into insanity) fits that description. Sephiroth is shown to have a Messiah Complex, a God Complex, and is widely believed to have an Oedipus Complex, as he detests his father Hojo, and, to some extent, worships his "mother" Jenova.
- In the Final-Fantasy-like iPhone Game Chaos Rings there's a special enemy named Sephiroth.
- In Final Fantasy XIV one NPC may say the following to the player: "Why, if it isn't Sephiroth! Or was it Sephiross? Setirophx? xXxSephirothxXx?" referencing Sephiroth and common variations used to name characters on MMOs (and by proxy, Final Fantasy XIV itself).